By collaborating with some of the most successful brands in the life science sector, we continually expand our knowledge, drive innovation, and give users access to the best possible solutions for their cold chain and sample transport needs.

Read more about our work with Tec4med below.


Watch as Tec4med CEO and Co-Founder Nico Höler discusses their partnership with Intelsius, and how together we're driving innovation in cold chain packaging solutions.


Why Tec4med?

Tec4med Life Science GmbH have been providing smart cloud services combined with integrated hardware for end-to-end supply chain visibility for several years. Their approach of innovation-driven new product development allowed us to seamlessly work together and integrate the SmartHub and SmartBeacon with our ORCA Connect packaging solutions.

tech4med orca

The Benefits

The Tec4med SmartBeacon sensor records temperature, humidity, vibration and shock, providing real-time data to the user. SmartBeacons are reusable solutions moved and reset to track different payloads and shipping lanes.

The Tec4med SmartHub is a smart gateway and real-time location tracking and shipment monitoring solution connecting to the Intelsius via 5G. The SmartHub can connect to multiple SmartBeacons through an advanced near field paring process within seconds. Both systems can also work independently.

Both the Smart Beacons and SmartHub can be utilised in our ORCA Connect packaging solutions without reducing payload space. A unique foam holder keeps the tracking solutions safe while maximising the payload space available.

ORCA Connect is a passive temperature-controlled packaging solution providing users with up to 144 hours of temperature control at 2-8°C, 15-25°C, and at below -20°C. Discover more about our ORCA Connect solutions and how they use innovative components to keep your payload safe here.

Or discover more about Tec4Med smart real-time tracking solutions at

A collaboration that could benefit your cold chain

If you think this collaboration could enhance your cold chain processes or if you are unsure how to keep your temperature-sensitive payload safe and visible during transit, get in touch with us now by emailing or contact your local office.