Once a quarter look forward to meeting an Intelsius employee – we got answers to some hot topics. (Try and spot the temperature related questions!)

Why do you work here?  The idea of moving away from the financial services sector and into manufacturing was really appealing.  In my previous company I felt very distant from the service they provided, whereas now I am able to see and touch our products.  This gives me the opportunity to understand our products and the impact they have on human and animal health worldwide.

What is your favorite of the brand colors?  Blue.

What is your favorite product and why?  ORCA™ – because I’m a Vancouver Canucks fan.

To which Intelsius offices have you travelled? York but I’d like to visit the US.

What is your job role? I am a management accountant. I’m involved in the day to day financial operations of the company.

Do you have a pet?  Yes, 2         What kind? Guinea pigs          Names? Squeaky and Coco

Where is your favorite place to travel? Scotland, the scenery is absolutely stunning there is so much variety in such a small area, it’s just brilliant.

What is your favorite food to eat?  Haggis – but no turnips.

What is your favorite ice cream flavor?  Hokey Pokey (Baskin Robbins description – “White chocolate ice cream with crunchy honeycomb candy pieces and a caramel ribbon”)

Coffee or Tea? Tea, I’m English, it’s a given. Favorite tea – you call it English breakfast tea.  We just call it tea.

Would you rather be hot or cold?  Cold.  I always prefer being slightly cold.

Dangerous or Safe?  Dangerously safe.

Temperature controlled medicine last taken? I’ve never taken anything temperature controlled.

Favorite artist? Black Beard’s Tea Party

When I was a kid I wanted to be…..  Either a Labrador (yes, the dog) or Jedi, can’t remember which.  I was a strange child.

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Favorite Quote?  You’re not drunk if you can lie on the floor without holding on. – Dean Martin

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