As we are mid-way through our fourth and last quarter of 2019/20, it is timely to recap some of the year’s product development highlights and successes. Two years ago, Intelsius decided to mainly focus on the development of eco-friendly and connected packaging solutions and the development of our ATMOS service portfolio to develop, qualify, fulfil and operate such packaging solutions. As a result, early in 2019, Intelsius were able to report ground-breaking successes in these areas.
In January 2019, we launched ORCA Multi-Use one of the first high-performance thermal packaging systems with full integration of leading real-time temperature monitoring and location tracking solutions. What makes ORCA MX unique and a pioneering solution is that it can be used with almost all tracking and monitoring systems that are currently available. This flexibility allows ORCA Multi-Use to fit seamlessly into customers’ current supply chains.
As 2019 continued, Intelsius proceeded to finalise the new Marken Smart Box development under the project name “a case for collaboration.” Intelsius developed, manufactured, tested, qualified, and assembled the new Smart Box for Marken. This project showcased how important and effective close collaboration across multiple partners has become in the drive to meet the demand and deliver truly innovative solutions to the industry. Intelsius are proud to have completed this project from initial idea to delivery of the final product in a timeframe of less than a year.
In addition to all these aspects, the Smart Box project is also a perfect example of how the newly established Intelsius ATMOS digital services can accelerate the development and qualification of new packaging systems. For example, a digital facsimile was calibrated based on physical test results and tested in over 30,000 year-round shipments on the ten most important shipping routes with a success rate of 99.59%. A comparable test series based on physical transport would have taken over three years to complete and required a far greater level of investment.
We are convinced that customer-oriented solutions will be developed most successfully in partnership across multiple companies and industry sector experts. Therefore, integrated solutions that combine multiple market-leading solutions are becoming the standard and decisive factors for long-term success.
As we continue into 2020, Intelsius will finalise the launch of a range of connected systems and offer a complete portfolio of connected single-use and multi-use packaging solutions in the imminent future.
In addition, in the coming months, Intelsius are excited to announce some great news in developing even more environmentally friendly packaging as Intelsius strives for more environmentally friendly solutions. Intelsius began the development of greener solutions and practices many years ago and are happy and excited to announce some great new developments and results later this year.
If you would like to learn more about the route ahead, please visit us at Logipharma, stand 71, or contact your local office for more details around recent and future product and service developments.
David Walsh